BIGTREETECH 32 bit main board
Motherboard SD card usage instructions:
[1] Motherboard SD card: used to store firmware and script files (such as various models and parameters). [2] Motherboard ARM: Install the bootloader first. [3] Then, the ARM on the motherboard copies the firmware from the SD card. At this time, it can be used normally.
Chip:32 bit
Main board : 105mm*74mm
Support SD card update firmware Support file format: G-code Recommended software:Simplify3D/Cura/Repetier-host/ Temperature sensor interface: 2 way 100K NTC (Thermistor) Square USB: Easy to plug and unplug, communication baud rate 115200 Support machine structure: XYZ/Ultimaker /Delta /Kossel /CoreXY Scalable module: power-off continuous module, shutdown module, automatic leveling module, material detection Hot bed is not supported
Notice :
1.BIGTREETECH 32 bit main board is a 32-bit A4988 chip motherboard, no need for additional drivers.
2.Fitted with a type of printer that doesn’t have a hot bed.
3.Suitable for BIQU magician printer main board replace
4.This main board is connect with the touch screen produced internally by Bigtreetech. The main different is because of the screen TFT connector .
BIGTREETECH 2.8 inch touch screen
This module is a general-purpose TFTLCD module. It adopts a new LCD module and original touch screen. It has high performance and is affordable.
1.16-bit color (65,000 colors) display support
2.High-quality backlight, good backlight brightness and low power 3.High quality touch, high sensitivity and high linearity 4.Customized yellow copper plated pin header,beautiful and durable Parameter : 1.LCD size : 2.8 inch 2. Display area: 57.6mm*47.2mm 3. Resolution: 320*240 (RGB) 4. Working voltage: 3.3V or 5V 5. Backlight voltage: 3.3V 6. Touch screen type: resistive, glass touch screen
Type 1:BIGTREETECH Magician 32Bit Mainboard control +USB cable
Type 2:BIGTREETECH Magician 32Bit Mainboard control +USB cable +BIGTREETECH 2.8 inch Touch Screen
This main board is connect with the touch screen produced internally by Bigtreetech. The main is
different is because of the screen TFT connector