WANHAO building platform , D7 V1.5 building plate, D7 PLUS building plate
Whether you’re having a problem with something you bought from us, or just have some questions, we’re happy to help. Whenever you have a question, just head over to support at to get in touch with our team.
We do our best to get back to you as soon as possible and offer email service Monday-Saturday. You should receive a response in 24 hours. We also schedule phone support sessions as needed. Start a ticket with us, and if we can’t resolve it quickly via email, we’ll be happy to talk to you.
WanHao offers the best quality 3d printing material 1.75mm 3mm PLA Filaments
If you have a technical problem or if your machine is misbehaving, we have friendly SUPPORT @ standing by to provide free expert care to get you and your machine back on track.
We do our best to get back to you as soon as possible and offer email service Monday-Saturday. You should receive a response in 24 hours. We also schedule phone support sessions as needed. Start a ticket with us, and if we can’t resolve it quickly via email, we’ll be happy to talk to you.