Ramps1.4 adapter LCD12864 Graphic Matrix Display Module Also Have for Sanguinololu /Megatronics /Rambo 3d printer control board


SKU: 32609759491 Categories: ,


This LCD12864 Graphic Matrix Display Module adapter for Ramps1.4 /Sanguinololu /Megatronics / Rambo 3d printer control board, pls tell us which control board adapter you need,if we have not received message,we will send LCD for ramps

Added a small function which is LED backgroud light control circuit to smart controller , with shorting the pins to decide the LED turn on all the time or turn on 30 seconds and than turn off automaticly.IF you used to start the printing jobs at night and get the parts at the next morning , that means with the new modification LCD back light will not annoying you any more ,you can make the time of light turn on longer or shorter by adjust the TRIMM R4 100K form 10s to 2mins. Hope you will like that . This controller is 100% compaitble with original design.That mean you can use the original adpter.

We have two shape of the PCB–rectangle and square,there is not any difference between the following two 12864 LCD module display except for the shape, just choose either of them to fit your printer. The item in this list is rectangle LCD12864 display module.

If you have ever bought a Smart LCD controller dispaly from us, but want to use with other boards, you just need to buy an adapter separately,which is 100% compatible with the controller.

Package list:

1 x Smart LCD12864 Display

2 x 30cm cable

1 x Adapter(Optional)

Pls tell us which adapter do you need, otherwrise we will send you for ramps1.4

Additional information

Weight 0.2 kg
Dimensions 12 × 12 × 6 cm
Item Type

Display Screen

Brand Name


Model Number

printer display